Parse Login/Sign Up Android Application

This template is a nice starting point for building a social network application with Parse SDK, it handles Login and Signup functions, as well as a Terms Of Service HTML page and Facebook Login.


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Clean, easy-to-edit UI design - you can edit its look via the XML layout files in Android Studio.

The code is well commented, in order for you to understand how this app works and, in case you are a student,  it’s a good way to learn the awesome Java language and grow your skills on Android development 😉


  • Full Android Studio project - working source code
  • PSD icon folder with app icon (1024x1024px .psd file) and other icons for the UI elements used in this template
  • Documentation .pdf file


  • Native Android Studio project - working source code
  • Android 5.0 and higher
  • java - XML
  • Login - Sign Up and Intro screens
  • Facebook login with Parse’s PFFacebookUtils framework
  • HTML file for Terms of Service & Privacy Policy (to be edited as you wish)


August 10, 2018
- First release | Native Android Studio project
- Android 5.0 and higher
- Java & XML


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