Parse Login/Sign Up iOS Application

This template is a nice starting point for building a social network application with Parse SDK, it handles Login and Signup functions, as well as a Terms Of Service HTML page and Facebook Login.


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Clean, easy-to-edit UI design - you can edit its look via the Storyboard in Xcode.

The code is well commented, in order for you to understand how this app works and, in case you are a student,  it’s a good way to learn the awesome Swift language and grow your skills on iOS development 😉


  • Full Xcode project - working source code
  • PSD icon folder with app icon (1024x1024px .psd file) and other icons for the UI elements used in this template
  • Documentation .pdf file


  • Native Xcode project - working source code
  • iOS 9.0 and higher
  • Universal
  • Login - Sign Up and Intro screens
  • Facebook login with Parse’s PFFacebookUtils framework
  • HTML file for Terms of Service & Privacy Policy (to be edited as you wish)


August 9, 2018
- First release | Native Xcode project
- iOS 9.0 and higher
- Universal


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